Lord I Believe –– Help My Unbelief

Jesus asked the boy’s father, ”How long has he been like this?” “From childhood,” he answered. ”It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. ”Everything is possible for one who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” ~ Mark 9:21-24

A father comes to Jesus. His son is suffering. He has seizures. He is nonverbal. The father brought the boy to the disciples, and they were powerless. They could not heal him. Jesus speaks to the father. He gets more information. He tells the father, “Everything is possible for one who believes.”  The father replies, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!

I appreciate the honesty of the father. “Help me overcome my unbelief.” This dad is struggling. He wants to believe, but he has these doubts. I like this dad because he gives verbiage to doubts. To struggle. It is interesting to me that Christian television is often filled with stories of healings, restoration, and miracles. There are so many of these stories that it seems like miracles are a normal part of the Christian life. They happen every day. The truth is miracles happen because they are out of the ordinary events in life. They do happen. But there are also times that the miracle doesn’t come the way we want.

It is important to note that the greatest of all miracles is the miracle of salvation. Redemption. The restoration of humanity through Jesus Christ. Healing does come, but at times the healing comes as one makes the transition from this life into the next. On this side of heaven there is mystery. Ambiguity. There are doubts. On the other side of heaven there is complete revelation. Revelation of how and why. Revelation and restoration and making all things new because of and through Jesus Christ.

I have struggled with doubts. I love the disciple, Thomas. I appreciate the father of Mark 9. My doubts have caused me to dig deeper. Pray more intently. My doubts have caused me to trust more. They have caused me to live life with an open hand and not a closed fist. A closed fist of demanding from God what he needs to do in my life to make it more comfortable. My doubts have allowed me to appreciate mystery and sometimes you just don’t have an answer. Sometimes you just have to trust. Trust in the God of creation. Trust in the God who planned salvation even before the worlds were made. Trust in the God who loved us so much he gave his one and only Son. That is something I can and do believe in. God is good and he is good all the time.