The days are long but the years are short

Earlier today I stood in the ICU with a family as their loved one made the transition from this life to the next. We stood around the bed and I read John 14:1-6, “Let not your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you…”

The medical staff was in the hallway getting ready to step in and begin taking her off of life support. I took this moment to explain to the family Even though she was comatose, and her body was shutting down that neural cognition is the last thing to go in someone. I told them if they need to tell their mom something before she steps into eternity this is the time to do it. One by one each family member went up to the bed and whispered in her ear. They cried. Held hands. They said good-bye. It is amazing in moments like that how quickly it feels that time passes.

In June of this year I turned 70 years old. It’s curious but I don’t feel that age. I feel much younger, somewhere between 48-50. Quite honestly 70 hit me hard. Over the past couple of months, I have found myself looking in the mirror wondering where all the time went. Someone once told me, “The days are long, but the years are short.” That truth came home very powerfully to me on June 18, 2024. It is a rather tough realization to know that over half of your life is behind you. In a moment of reflection, I must admit that I have regrets. There are things I would have done differently. If I could – I would go back and definitely do them differently. The other question that hangs out there is the question, “Did I make the most of every opportunity?” Sadly, the answer is no.

It is interesting to note that Jesus lived to be 33 years old. The gospels at best record only 3-3 ½ years of his life. That is only 10% of his life that we know about. So here is the question: Was God only working in those years of his life? Obviously, to me the answer is – no. In understanding the person of Jesus, who he was and all that motivated him I would have to believe that God was working in his life every day of his existence. In fact, I would say that Jesus was making a positive impact on the people around him long before John baptized him in the Jordan and Jesus began his public ministry. Jesus had an influence on his family. His friends. Even his customers in the carpenter shop. I believe Jesus had a daily influence on others his entire life, not just the years we read about. Maybe God has been at work in my life in the times and in the seasons, and I have not realized it. It could be that this is part of the promise of Romans 8:28. Listen to Paul’s words…

We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

It is interesting that so often I think of Romans 8:28 relating to the “stuff” I was walking through at the moment. The conflict. The heartache. The betrayals. I have not applied this truth to the “stuff” that shaped my life in the past. You know stuff way in the past. The stuff I would like to forget and not remember. Quite honestly, I am not sure if my best years are behind me or if they may be in front of me. I think with God’s help – maybe he can take my life experiences, my regrets, my imperfect decisions and give me additional insight and wisdom and allow me to speak and share hope and grace to help someone else along the way.

That is my prayer today. In Jesus name amen.