On the Importance of Theolgoical Education

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. ~ 2 Timothy 2:15

Paul is encouraging his son in the faith – Timothy. Earlier in both 1 & 2 Timothy Paul warned his young friend about false teachers. Here in 2 Timothy Paul says, “…present yourself to God as one approved,” When you are employed and work for someone your goal is to make them happy with your performance of your duties and your work. Paul is telling Timothy to please God and don’t worry about making other people happy. Do what is right and honoring God. The Lord is the one we need to please. It is also important to note Paul takes the conversation to the next level. He encourages Timothy to be “a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” It is interesting that Paul has mentioned three other times the value of not being ashamed.

To me there is a direct correlation between this statement and the next, “correctly handles the word of truth.” To me the two statements seem connected. When you correctly handle the word of truth. When you speak the truth in love. When your motivations and your heart is focused on God and pleasing God. There is no cause for shame. I would go so far as to note that as a follower of Jesus Christ there is no place for shame in one’s life. Shame is a denigrated sense of identity. It is not seeing your worth. Your value. Your importance. On the other hand, God sees your worth – i.e. Jesus died for you. He gave himself to redeem and restore you to a position in the family. A position that allows you to call God as “Abba” father. One of the dearest and intimate expressions of relationship.

ou are a child of God unconditionally loved by the Father through Jesus Christ our Lord. You are an heir and joint heir with Jesus. Shame has no place in the lexicon of Christian vocabulary. By correctly handling the word of truth there is the consequence of a change of identity in our hearts and souls. Lord Jesus thank you. Thank you for all that you have done for me. And not just me – 100’s and 1,000’s of others. Help me to get this message out to those who don’t know. In Jesus name amen.