*Moses answered, "What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, 'The Lord did not appear to you'?" Then the **Lord *said to him, "What is that in your hand?" "A staff," he replied. ~ Exodus 4:1-2
Moses has an encounter one day while tending sheep in the Midianite desert. He sees a bush on fire and yet it is not consumed. He takes a closer look. God speaks to him through the bush. He tells Moses he is standing on holy ground. Holy because God is there. A conversation unfolds. God commissions Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and toward a Promised Land. Moses has a bunch of questions. He doesn't believe that God has the right man.
It is interesting to note that as the next chapter opens Moses has one last question. *"What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, 'The Lord did not appear to you'?" *God responds to him, "What is that in your hand?" "A staff," he replied.
I would make this simple observation: God didn't ask Moses to use something he didn't already have. God always uses what we have. He doesn't demand from us what we do not have. He starts where we are. He always meets us where we are and walks with us and take us where we need to be.
God has a dream. A mission. A purpose for you! For all of us. He's whispering in the wind and speaking through the fire and even shouting at times in silence of our lives an extraordinary dream. He is calling your name.
God isn't waiting until you have more money or a husband or a wife or a new car or a better job so he can use you. He can use you now. He can use your passion...
- for mechanics, - your gift for music, - your calling to teach, - your interest in architecture, - your kindness and generosity, - your strength, - your carpentry skills, - your sports ability, your knowledge of science, or Math or History or the Bible, - or anything that he has gifted you to do -- to know -- and to use for his kingdom
Stop waiting to wake up one morning and be richer, smarter, better off, more popular, more famous, more whatever. Where are you now? What's in your hands? Moses' mother had the reeds of the Nile River in her hands, and she wove a basket for a baby that would grow up and lead a nation. A little boy had a lunch 5 loaves and 2 fish Jesus used them to feed 5,000. Hannah had a child of promise who grew up to be a prophet. Ruth had a handful of grain and great kindness, and she is listed in the genealogy of Jesus.
So, here's the question: I ask you today what's in your hand. Not your wallet -- your hand. I want to pray this prayer with you... Dear God -- Today, I hold in my hand the gifts and talents you have given me. Today, I dream a God-sized dream. --- In Jesus name. Amen