For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. ~ Ephesians 2:10
Paul is writing to the Ephesians. In chapter 2:10 he tells them, "For we are His workmanship..." The term workmanship is very interesting. It may be translated, "work of art," or even "piece of poetry." It is interesting to note that the world has seen some great works of art: Michelangelo's -- David, Van Gogh's -- self-portrait, Rembrandt's -- The Return of the Prodigal or his The Storm on the Sea. Great works of art evoke a deep emotion. It causes us to reflect on the subject matter, the technique. Discussion on what the artist intended. Great art does not come easy. It is pain staking. Difficult. It involves sacrifice.
The scriptures tell us that humanity is God's greatest work of art. Humanity is the crown of God's creation. Genesis 1:26-27 tells us that we were created in the image and in the likeness of God himself.Genesis 2:7 tells us that God fashion some dust into a man. He then kissed the dust of the earth and that man Adam became a living soul. God breathed into his art and his art came alive. So, the next question is why. Why would God breath into humanity and give life to his creation? It is the nature of God to give life and to give purpose. The Westminster Catechism tells us that the chief end of humanity is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever.
I would simply note that Paul writes that we were created in Christ Jesus for good works. Works that God has prepared for us ahead of time. It is our responsibility to discover what those plans are and then walk in them. And by discovering and walking in those things and doing those things, we glorify God and eventually we will live with Him forever.
I know that God has called me to be a pastor-teacher (Ephesians 4:11). To equip God's people for works of service and to build up the body of Christ. It is not easy. It involves sacrifice. There are even times that I walk through great frustration, doubt and even struggle. But as I wait on Him -- he comes through. His kindness, grace, and generosity give my soul great peace and harmony.
I pray. I pray to be consistent. Trusting. Grace-filled. And God honoring. In all that I do and all that I say. Especially to those who are closest to me. In Jesus name amen.