David Brett is a purpose pastor at Village View Community Church. In this capacity he is an integral part of a variety of ministries:
At Village View Community Church, David works with helping visitors, new members, and regulars make meaningful and lasting connections. He assists with integrating the church into the community. One of the things that David enjoys the most about his job is speaking in a wide variety of settings including Wednesday evenings, Sunday mornings, in connection groups, and out in the community. He also enjoys teaching and serving in the community. Hospital and hospices visits are a vital part of doing pastoral care and counseling in a community like The Villages. David enjoys directing the pastoral care ministries of the church along with implementing strategies for church growth. He is invested in ensuring the vitality of the church and assisting with he smooth operation and administration of the various church ministries. Serving at a large and dynamic church like Village View Community Church is not without it’s challenges in accomplishing these goals, however one of the best ways to accomplish these goals is through developing and implementing a people centered pastoral care infrastructure. It is important that everyone feel loved and affirmed by their church home. One of the best ways to ensure that this occurs is through hospital visitation and by offering church members spiritual guidance and following up with them about their lives. David Brett’s pastoral care and counseling duties extend to the implementation of pastoral care teams and providing leadership for the Alpha Marriage Course, overseeing the food pantry, and Clothing Connection, along with the destruction of resources to those in need through the Benevolence Outreach. He throughly enjoys providing pastoral care and counseling via appointments and through the spontaneous interactions with the community and parishioners throughout the day. Thanks to the churches central location and beautiful facilities, David has the opportunity to officiate weddings and funerals. Finally, David facilities the ministries for grieving families, provides one-on-one spiritual guidance, and works closely with Celebrate Recovery (a 12-step program similar to Alcoholics Anonymous but for a variety of issues), he also provides support for the prison ministry and other outreach opportunities.
Church Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash